Clive Movelist / Command list
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Life gauge reducer
Heat Engager attack (if heat is available)
Power Crush move
Homing Attack
Tornado Attack
105 moves listed | Visual mode | Left side-
11. What can be done during Heat (general)All moves will deal chip damage on blockCannot K.O. with chip damage, chip damage turn into recoverable health gauge
22. What can be done during Heat (general)A Heat Dash can be used when a Heat Engager hits or is blockedUntil Heat Engager reaches opponent
33. What can be done during Heat (general)Heat Smash, a move that causes critical damage, can be activated (after activation,Heat will end)During Heat
44. What can be done during Heat (unique)Can use fiery Ifrit abilities, etc.
55. What can be done during Heat (unique)Torgal's wave blast attack is powered up, etc.
6Heat BurstWhen Heat activation availablePartially uses remaining Heat time,to cancel attackMid
7Flame BashOr while rising, on hit regain recoverable healthMid
8Burning Chain(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid Mid Mid
9ProminenceChip damage on blockMid Mid
10Slash BurstDuring sidestep (or)Perfect Input to power upMid Mid
11Scarlet CycloneDuring Phoenix Shift (, etc.)Chip damage on block, on hit regain recoverable healthMid Mid
12Lethal IgnitionDuring HeatPartially uses remaining Heat time, can hold at last step, during Heat(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid Mid Mid
13Crimson RushDuring HeatPartially uses remaining Heat time, during Heat(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid Mid Mid Mid Mid
14Crimson EruptionDuring HeatPartially uses remaining Heat time, during Heat(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid Mid Mid High High Mid Mid
15Blazing RushDuring HeatPartially uses remaining Heat time, during Heat(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid Mid Mid Mid
16Blazing EruptionDuring HeatPartially uses remaining Heat time, during Heat(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid Mid High High Mid Mid
17Twin FlamesDuring Heat and Phoenix ShiftPartially uses remaining Heat timeMid Mid
18Infernal Flames of RebirthDuring HeatHeat Smash, throw on hit (regain recoverable health)Mid Throw
19Dancing SteelDuring Heat and Phoenix ShiftHeat Smash, throw on hit, increase Zantetsuken gauge on hit or blockMid Throw
20HellfireDuring RageRage Art, erases opponent's recoverable health on hitMid Throw
21Double Blow(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftHigh High
22Finishing SteelIncrease Zantetsuken gauge on hit or blockHigh Mid
23Rapid AssaultChip damage on blockHigh High
24Magic BurstPerfect Input to power upHigh High
25Assault BurstPerfect frame input to power up,(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftHigh Mid Mid
26Gleipnir-Cutter(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftHigh Mid Mid
27Gleipnir-Cutteron hitPower up during Heat, shift to Phoenix Shift (does not shift with)High Mid Mid Mid
28Gungnir DanceIncrease Zantetsuken gauge on hit or block,(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftHigh Mid Mid Mid
29Fine HoundPower up during HeatMid Mid Mid
30Bright WingShift to Wings of LightMid Mid
31Mercenary CutMid Mid
32Roundabout(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid High
33Flame BashOr while rising, on hit regain recoverable healthMid
34Wings of LightShift to Wings of Light, has strong low parry effect
35FirewheelMid High
36Burning Chain(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid Mid Mid
37SanngetallIncrease Zantetsuken gauge on hit or block,(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid Mid Mid
38Knight's GambitChip damage on blockMid
39Phoenix ShiftShift to Phoenix Shift
40ProminenceChip damage on blockMid Mid
41Outlaw BurstPerfect frame input to power up,(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid High Mid
42Outlaw WingShift to Wings of LightMid Mid Mid
43Wyrm KillerMid Mid
44Aerial Combinationhit on groundShift to Phoenix ShiftMid Mid Mid Mid
45Hydro Blaston hitPerfect Input to power upLow Mid
46Door KnockerMid
47Scorching SweepLow
48Pile DriverChip damage on blockMid
49Tidal Surgeon hitat the right time to power upHigh Mid Mid
50Ice SpikesHold at last step to power up (chip damage on block)Mid Mid
51Cold CycloneLow
52GougeShift to updraft on airborne hit (does not shift with), chip damage on blockMid Mid Mid
53Blue BoltMid
54Executioner(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftHigh
55Mercenary KickMid
57Windup CounterTime with opponent attackChip damage on block, has reversal break effectMid Mid Mid
58Soul CleaveIncrease Zantetsuken gauge on hit or blockMid
60LungeChip damage on block,(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid
6110 Hit ComboRegain recoverable health on hitMid Mid High Mid High Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid
62Ki ChargeCannot block when it is still in effect / Automatic counter hit
63UpdraftOror, shift to Updraft
64Arm of DarknessIncrease Zantetsuken gauge on hit or blockMid
65ZantetsukenWith Level 2 or higher Zantetsuken gaugePower up based on Zantetsuken gauge level, throw on hit (resets Zantetsuken gauge)Mid Throw
66Ultimate ZantetsukenWith Level 5 Zantetsuken gaugeThrow on hit (resets Zantetsuken gauge), erases opponent's recoverable health on hitMid Throw
67Wild SteelWhile risingIncrease Zantetsuken gauge on hit or block, while rising(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid Mid
68Echo BreakerWhile risingMid
69Fame WolfWhile risingPower up during HeatMid Mid
70Sabaton SmashWhile risingWhile rising(or) to shift to Phoenix ShiftMid
71Swift EdgeWhile crouchingLow
72Slash BurstDuring sidestepPerfect Input to power upMid Mid
73Stone SmiteDuring sidestepChip damage on blockMid
74Wings of Light, etc.Shift to Wings of Light, during Wings of Lightorto move, has strong low parry effect
75DiaDuring Wings of LightShift to Phoenix Shift on hit, shift to Wings of Light on block or missS.Mid
76ImpulseDuring Wings of LightS.Mid
77Follow Up FlareApproach airborne opponent during Wings of LightS.Mid Throw
78Radiant BackflipDuring Wings of LightMid
79Phoenix ShiftDuring Wings of LightShift to Phoenix Shift
80Phoenix Shift, etc.Shift to Phoenix Shift
81HeatwaveDuring Phoenix ShiftRegain recoverable health on hit, throw during front hit on ground, absorb an attack to power up and add chip damageMid Throw
82Shift StrikeDuring Phoenix ShiftChip damage on blockMid
83Rising FlameDuring Phoenix ShiftRegain recoverable health on hitMid Mid
84Steel SlashDuring Phoenix ShiftThrow on hit (does not shift with), increase Zantetsuken gauge on hit or blockMid Mid Throw
85VanagandrDuring Phoenix Shifton hitPower up during HeatLow Mid Mid
86Dark SurgeDuring Phoenix Shifton hitIncrease Zantetsuken gaugeLow Mid Mid
87FirestarterDuring Phoenix ShiftLow
88Scarlet CycloneDuring Phoenix ShiftChip damage on block, on hit regain recoverable healthMid Mid
89Bolt BootDuring Phoenix ShiftChip damage on blockMid
90Updraft, etc.Shift to Updraft
91Griffin HunterDuring UpdraftOroror, chip damage on blockMid
92Burning RainDuring UpdraftOrororMid Mid
93Lift KickDuring UpdraftOrororHigh
94Sky KickDuring UpdraftOrororHigh
95Fangs of RuinApproach opponentThrow escapeorHigh Throw
96PunisherApproach opponentThrow escapeorHigh Throw
97Fangs of RuinApproach opponent from left side(or)Throw escapeHigh Throw
98PunisherApproach opponent from right side(or)Throw escapeHigh Throw
99Judgement BoltApproach opponent from behind(or)Cannot throw escapeHigh Throw
100GigaflareApproach opponentThrow escapeHigh Throw
101Precision DodgeTime with opponent attackOr time with opponent attack, has strong parry effect
102Precision CounterWhen Precision Dodge is successfulHas reversal break effectMid
103Dash of SteelWhen Precision Dodge is successfulThrow on hit, increase Zantetsuken gauge on hit or block, has reversal break effectMid Throw
104Radiant CounterTime with opponent low attackMid
105Low ParryTime with opponent low attack