Powerfull combo #343 for Victor posted by AntJam on
01/28/2024. This combo outputs 10 hits
and 79 damages !
Recommended game version to perform this combo : final
Common notation in Tekken community :
d/f,2 ► d/f,4,2 ► Iai Stance,2 ► 4,3,2,W! ► Dash ► 1,2 ► d/f,3+4

10 hits | 79 damages
343Iai Stance
d/f,2 ► d/f,4,2 ► Iai Stance,2 ► 4,3,2,W! ► Dash ► 1,2 ► d/f,3+4
10 hits 79 damages Wall
Sticky NoteIntended to be used when players are in their starting positions at the start of the round. Works on Arena, Urban Square, Seine, Training Ground, Elegant Palace, Midnight Siege, and Rebel Hangar 2F (dash not necessary on Rebel)
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13 hits | 84 damages
1470While Standing
Iai Stance
Iai Stance
f,F,2 ► WS,2 ► d/f,4,2 ► Iai Stance,4,2 ► d/b,1,1,F ► Perfumer,2,2 ► Iai Stance,2 ► b,3,1
v1.10 13 hits 84 damages
Sticky NoteFor backfacing opponent: do not perform WS2. Results in -4 dmg.
12 hits | 74 damages
859Iai Stance
Iai Stance
f,F,2 ► d/f,3,4 ► d/f,4,2 ► Iai Stance,2 ► b,1,F ► Perfumer,2,2 ► Iai Stance,1,2,2
12 hits 74 damages
12 hits | 78 damages Counter Hit
While Standing
d/b,4 ► f,3,Perfumer,1 ► WS,4 ► d/b,1,1,F ► Perfumer,2,2,1 ► f,F,2 ► u,1+2
12 hits 78 damages Counter Hit