Powerfull combo #432 for Claudio posted by tna1432 on
02/01/2024. This combo outputs 11 hits
and 89 damages !
May sure that Claudio has a heat full bar set tup while performing
this combo.
Recommended game version to perform this combo : final
Common notation in Tekken community :
During Heat,Starbust,f,1+2,1+2 ► f,f,4 ► b,3 ► b,3 ► During Heat,d,1,2 ► f,f,F,2,F ► Starbust,b,4,3,2
11 hit combo for Claudio
Combo #432-
11 hits | 89 damages432
During HeatStarbustDuring HeatStarbust
During Heat,Starbust,f,1+2,1+2 ► f,f,4 ► b,3 ► b,3 ► During Heat,d,1,2 ► f,f,F,2,F ► Starbust,b,4,3,2
11 hits 89 damages Heat
Sticky NoteHeat should be on at the start combo will use all your heat bar. Can also replace b4,3,2 for rage art if you have
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