Powerfull combo #1448 for Clive posted by Kage on
12/17/2024. This combo outputs 6 hits
and 62 damages !
Recommended game version to perform this combo : 1.10
Common notation in Tekken community :
f,F,2 ► d/b,2,1 ► Dash ► b,2,F ► Phoenix Shift,1
6 hits | 62 damages Counter Hit1448
DashPhoenix Shift
f,F,2 ► d/b,2,1 ► Dash ► b,2,F ► Phoenix Shift,1
v1.10 6 hits 62 damages Counter Hit
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W!W!Phoenix Shift
f,1+2,W! ► d,1+2,W! ► d/f,1,2,F ► Phoenix Shift,2,2
v1.10 7 hits 58 damages Wall
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f,1+2,W! ► d,1+2,W! ► 2,2,1+2
v1.10 7 hits 58 damages Wall
Sticky NoteCombo for charging a little for zantetsuken close to a wall #2- if you are on diagonal at the wall this may not work
14 hits | 60 damages1446
UpdraftPhoenix Shift
d/f,2 ► d/b,1+2,1 ► Updraft,2,2 ► f,4 ► Phoenix Shift,2,2
v1.10 14 hits 60 damages