Combo Starter
11 hits | 66 damages Counter Hit1476
DashHeat BurstDashLibertadorLibertador
1+2 ► Dash ► d/f,3 ► 4,3 ► Heat Burst ► Dash ► d,2,3 ► Libertador,1+2 ► f,3+4 ► 1,2,F ► Libertador,d,3+4
v1.10 11 hits 66 damages Heat Counter Hit
Sticky Note71 dmg in rage - just a combo for fun
6 hits | 35 damages1475
Low ParyBack TurnedLibertador
LP ► d/f,1,4,B ► BT,3 ► Libertador,4,1<2
v1.10 6 hits 35 damages Low Parry
Sticky Note39 dmg on rage
17 hits | 95 damages1422
During HeatLibertadorLibertadorW!
During Heat ► f,4,4,F ► u/f,3,4 ► f,3 ► Libertador,4,1 ► d,2,3 ► Libertador<4,1,2 ► f,f,F,3,2,W! ► d/f,1,4,1~2
v1.09 17 hits 95 damages Heat Wall
Sticky Note101 dmg in rage - libertador 4,1,2 wait when the enemy's head is under the mid screen - instead f,f,F,3,2 you can do d/f,3
13 hits | 83 damages Counter Hit1413
While StandingBack TurnedDashHeat BurstW!Dash
WS,1 ► d/b,3 ► BT,4 ► 3 ► 4,1<2 ► Dash ► Heat Burst ► d/f,4,1,W! ► Dash ► d/f,1,4,1~2
v1.09 13 hits 83 damages Heat Counter Hit Wall
Sticky Note90 dmg in rage
15 hits | 89 damages1412
During HeatW!
During Heat ► f,4,4,F ► d,2,3 ► 4,1 ► d,2,3 ► 4,1,2 ► d/f,3,W! ► d/f,1,4,1~2
v1.09 15 hits 89 damages Heat Wall
Sticky Note94 dmg in rage
10 hits | 86 damages Rage1410
Crouching opponent Back TurnedLibertadorDashLibertador
(Crouching opponent) BT,3+4 ► 3 ► Libertador,4,1 ► Dash ► d,2,3 ► Libertador,1+2 ► f,2,4,1
v1.09 10 hits 86 damages Rage
Sticky NoteWithout rage: (A) 81 dmg (82 w!) // (B) 99dmg (100 w!)
10 hits | 83 damages Counter Hit Rage1409
Back TurnedLibertadorLibertador
1+2 ► b,3+4 ► BT,3 ► Libertador,4,1 ► d,2,3 ► Libertador,1+2 ► f,2,4,1
v1.09 10 hits 83 damages Rage Counter Hit
Sticky Note84 dmg with wall and rage - 78 dmg without rage
12 hits | 100 damages Counter Hit Rage1408
d/b,3,4 ► Dash ► f,3 ► Libertador,4,1 ► b,4,3,4,3,W! ► Dash ► d/f,1,4,1~2
v1.09 12 hits 100 damages Rage Counter Hit Wall
Stage : Seaside Resort
Sticky NoteThe combo does 80 dmg in a map without walls. Without rage 73 dmg - 91 dmg without rage with wall- Maybe you will need the second dash or not, depends the distance with the wall.
9 hits | 67 damages1138
d/b,1+2 ► d,2,3 ► Libertador,f,4,1,2 ► f,2,1,4
v1.09 9 hits 67 damages
10 hits | 80 damages1093
u,4 ► b,4,3 ► b,4,3 ► d/b,3,4 ► Dash ► f,2,1,4
10 hits 80 damages