Lili overview & gameplay guide

Character specification

Lili icon
tekken 7 logo Character
rank A

Character Trivia

Daughter of a wealthy oil magnate from Monaco who, despite her pampered upbringing, loves to fight. Keeping it a secret from her peace-loving father, Lili uses the family private jet to fly around the globe in search of worthy opponents to hone her skills.All of it to defeat her eternal rival, Asuka Kazama, who has beaten her twice in The King of Iron Fist Tournament. Lili buys the Kazama family's dojo with her pocket money, decorates the entire dojo with roses, and sends Asuka a formal challenge. Imagining Asuka's angry face, Lili smiles elegantly while petting her cat, Salt.


Combo Damage


Wall Carry

Throw game



Fighting Style

Street Fighting


Lili Gameplay Trailer

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112 moves listed

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Main Stances

  • 49
    Mirror Image
    backRP + RK
    Back towards opponent
  • 92
    Dew Glide
    DownDown / ForwardForward
    DownHold Down / Forwardto cancel and directly shift to crouching state, backLK(orbackRK) to shift to Feisty Rabbit
  • 99
    Feisty Rabbit
    backLK, etc.
    Shift to Feisty Rabbit, Hold Forwardto shift to Dew Glide

Move Sheet

Pros & Cons


  • Best sidestep in the game
  • Strong generic tools
  • Excellent + frames pressure
  • One of if not the best oki tool with qcf3
  • Arguably the best low heat smash in the game


  • Her stronger moves are a bit slow, prone to CH
  • Weak tracking

How to play Lili ?

Latest combos

  • Tekken 8 Combo Powered 13 hits | 83 damages Counter Hit

    Down / ForwardLKbreakDownLPRPHold BackbreakBack TurnedLKRKbreakbackLPHold ForwardbreakDew GlideLKbreakRP + RKWBo!Side SwitchbreakHeat BurstbreakRP + RKHold Forward (Heat Dash)breakForwardHold ForwardRP + RK

    d/f,3 ► d,1,2,B ► BT,3,4 ► b,1,F ► Dew Glide,3 ► 3+4,WBo!,(Switch) ► Heat Burst ► 3+4,F ► f,F,3+4

    v1.10 13 hits 83 damages Heat Counter Hit Wall

    Stage : Arena (Underground)

  • Tekken 8 Combo Powered 7 hits | 71 damages

    While StandingRPbreakUpLKLKHold BackbreakDew GlideNEUTRAL / No directionUpbreakForwardLPHold BackbreakDew GlideNEUTRAL / No directionUpbreakForwardLPHold BackbreakDew GlideLPRK

    WS,2 ► u,3,3,B ► Dew Glide,N,u ► f,1,B ► Dew Glide,N,u ► f,1,B ► Dew Glide,1,4

    v1.09 7 hits 71 damages

  • Tekken 8 Combo Powered 11 hits | 105 damages Counter Hit

    Up / ForwardRP + RKRP + RKbreakUpLKLKHold ForwardbreakDew GlideLKbreakDown / ForwardRP + RKbreakBack TurnedbreakLKRKbreakHeat BurstbreakRP + RKHold Forward (Heat Dash)breakForwardForwardRP + RK

    u/f,3+4,3+4 ► u,3,3,F ► Dew Glide,3 ► d/f,3+4 ► BT ► 3,4 ► Heat Burst ► 3+4,F ► f,f,3+4

    v1.09 11 hits 105 damages Heat Counter Hit

    Stage : Arena (Underground)

    Sticky Note

    It only depends if both hits are counters if hit second part counter still 11 hit but does 94 damage

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