Powerfull combo #948 for Lili posted by NoIdentity on
04/12/2024. This combo outputs 9 hits
and 59 damages !
May sure that Lili has a heat full bar set tup while performing
this combo.
Recommended game version to perform this combo : final
Common notation in Tekken community :
LP ► FC,d/f,1 ► f,2,3 ► f,f,3,f ► 1 ► Heat Burst ► During Heat,3+4,F ► f,f,3+4

9 hits | 59 damages
948Low Pary
Full Crouch
Heat Burst
During Heat
LP ► FC,d/f,1 ► f,2,3 ► f,f,3,f ► 1 ► Heat Burst ► During Heat,3+4,F ► f,f,3+4
9 hits 59 damages Heat Low Parry
Sticky NoteYou need to cancel Dew Glide into 1.
Combos that you may like
12 hits | 63 damages
1323Back Turned
Dew Glide
Dew Glide
Heat Burst
Heat Smash
d/f,3+4 ► BT,3,4 ► b,1,F ► Dew Glide,3 ► f,F,3,F ► Dew Glide,N,u ► Heat Burst ► d/f,3+4 ► Heat Smash
v1.08 12 hits 63 damages Heat
Sticky NoteAdditional: After Heat Burst, you can do 3+4F > b1+2 or 3+4F > ff3+4 for more damage.
12 hits | 60 damages Rage
949Low Pary
Full Crouch
Heat Burst
Rage Art
LP ► FC,d/f,1 ► f,2,3 ► f,f,3,F ► 1 ► Heat Burst ► Dash,d/f,1 ► Rage Art
12 hits 60 damages Heat Rage Low Parry
7 hits | 60 damages Counter Hit
760While Standing
Dew Glide
b,3 ► 3 ► WS,2 ► 2 ► b,2,1,F ► Dew Glide,1,4
7 hits 60 damages Counter Hit
Sticky Notecan also end with dew glide 1 2 for a wall splat.