Combos from thedell013
3 combosRank Contributor
9 hits | 64 damages
512Gamma Howl
Gamma Howl
d/f,2 ► f,4 ► f,1,2 ► b,3,2,D ► Gamma Howl,f,1 ► f,3,D ► Gamma Howl,4
9 hits 64 damages
8 hits | 60 damages
496Gamma Howl
d/f,2 ► N ► 2 ► f,F,2 ► b,1 ► d/f,1,1 ► f,f ► f,3,D ► Gamma Howl,4
8 hits 60 damages
Sticky NoteAMAZING BNB That isn't too hard, you can replace Neutral 2 with Forward 4 but the combo is too inconsistant
7 hits | 54 damages
Gamma Howl
d/f,2 ► b,1 ► d/f,1,1 ► Dash ► b,3,2,D ► Gamma Howl,4
7 hits 54 damages
Sticky NotePretty Brain Dead BNB Combo, Safer Than Comitting to d/f 2, 1 and Whiffing