Jack-8 overview & gameplay guide

Character specification

Jack-8 icon
tekken 7 logo Character
rank C

Character Trivia

Jack-8 is G Corp's premier humanoid weapon and the latest prototype in the Jack series. One of the developers assigned to the Jack series, Jane, once had her life saved by a Jack. She joined G Corp and worked day and night to create her ideal Jack machine. While the Jack series was already well established within G Corp's product line, Jane continued to devote herself to perfecting the Jack. Her designs for the next-generation Jack included a vastly improved AI to that of the Jack-7 model, capable of learning with incredible speed and accuracy. ?


Combo Damage


Wall Carry

Throw game



Fighting Style

Sheer Force


Jack-8 Gameplay Trailer

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Unsure about your combo ? Or need to learn specific moves ? Here's the full command list for Jack-8
136 moves listed

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Main Stances

  • 99
    Sit Down
    DownRP + RK, etc.
    Shift to Sit Down
  • 105
    Gamma Howl
    RP + RK, etc.
    To Gamma Howl, partially restore remaining Heat time

Move Sheet

Pros & Cons


  • Huge range
  • Good throw game
  • Canned mixups
  • Good space control


  • Poor CH game
  • Bad sidestep

Latest combos

  • Tekken 8 Combo Powered 14 hits | 98 damages

    Side Step Left or RightLPbreakUpLP + RPbreakForwardHold ForwardRPbreakbackLPbreakForwardLPRPLPbreakForwardHold ForwardRPW!breakbackLKRPHold downbreakGamma HowlForwardRP

    SS,1 ► u,1+2 ► f,F,2 ► b,1 ► f,1,2,1 ► f,F,2,W! ► b,3,2,D ► Gamma Howl,f,2

    v1.10 14 hits 98 damages Wall

    Stage : Elegant Palace

  • Tekken 8 Combo Powered 7 hits | 53 damages

    Down / ForwardRPLPbreakForwardLPRPLPbreakDashbreakLP + RP

    d/f,2,1 ► f,1,2,1 ► Dash ► 1+2

    v1.10 7 hits 53 damages

  • Tekken 8 Combo Powered 16 hits | 116 damages

    DownLP + RPbreakUpLP + RPbreakDown / ForwardRPLPHold downbreakGamma HowlRPbreakForwardHold ForwardRPbreakHeat BurstbreakbackLPW!breakbackLKRPHold downbreakGamma HowlForwardRPWB!breakbackRPHOLDHold Forward (Heat Dash)breakbackDown / BackDownDown / ForwardForwardDown / ForwardJUST FRAMELP

    d,1+2 ► u,1+2 ► d/f,2,1,D ► Gamma Howl,2 ► f,F,2 ► Heat Burst ► b,1,W! ► b,3,2,D ► Gamma Howl,f,2,WB! ► b,2*,F ► b,d/b,d,d/f,f,d/f:1

    v1.09 16 hits 116 damages Heat Wall

    Stage : Secluded Training Ground

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