Jack-8 Movelist / Command list
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Life gauge reducer

Heat Engager attack (if heat is available)

Power Crush move

Homing Attack

Tornado Attack
136 moves listed | Visual mode | Left side-
11. What can be done during Heat (general)All moves will deal chip damage on block
Cannot K.O. with chip damage, chip damage turn into recoverable health gauge
22. What can be done during Heat (general)A Heat Dash can be used when a Heat Engager hits or is blocked
Until Heat Engager reaches opponent
33. What can be done during Heat (general)Heat Smash, a move that causes critical damage, can be activated (after activation,Heat will end)
During Heat
44. What can be done during Heat (unique)Allows the use of moves while Gamma Charge is activated
During Gamma Howl
, during Gamma Howl
5Heat BurstWhen Heat activation available
Partially uses remaining Heat time,
to cancel attack
Mid -
6Piston Gun Assault
Hold to power (chip damage on block)
Mid -
7Tyulpan BlastMid
8Full Metal DeathblowDuring Gamma Howl (
, etc.)
Chip damage on block
High -
9Particle BarrierDuring Gamma Howl (
, etc.)
Absorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on block
S.Mid -
10Iron GunmanApproach crouching opponent
Or during Gamma Howl
, cannot throw escape, unable to shift to Heat Dash
Mid Throw -
11Meteor RaidDuring Heat
Heat Smash, on hit shift to throw
High Throw -
12Terraforming CannonDuring Rage
Rage Art, erases opponent's recoverable health on hit
Mid Throw -
13Jab > Jackhammer
to shift to Gamma Howl
High Mid -
14Jab > Stunning HookHigh High
15Jab Elbow SmashHigh Mid Mid
16Piston Gun FusilladeHigh Mid High High High High
17Mimesis Savage KneeHigh Mid
18Tornado PunchMid Mid
19Gamma Howl
Or while rising
, shift to Gamma Howl, absorb an attack to activate Gamma Charge
20Gigaton Punch
to power up, chip damage on block
Mid -
21Gigaton Punch
hold, then
hold or
to increase rotation
Unblockable -
22Windup UppercutMid
23Prime Windup Uppercut
(quick input)
(quick input) to power up
Mid -
24Impact DriverMid High
25Drilling EngineMid High Mid
26Piston Gun Blaster
Hold at last step to power up (chip damage on block)
Mid High Mid -
27Pinpoint AssaultHigh
28Two-Step Die
Or while rising
to shift to Gamma Howl
Mid High -
29Machine Press
Or while rising
to shift to Gamma Howl
Mid Mid -
30Dark GreetingUnblockable
31Sudden ElbowMid
32Rolling Death Crusher
Absorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on block
Mid Mid -
33Merkabah Headbutt
to shift to Gamma Howl
Mid -
34OverheatMid Mid
35OverdriveMid High High High High
36Programmed UppercutMid
37Cosmic Sweeper
Hold at last step to power up,
to shift to Gamma Howl
Mid High -
38Cosmic Sweeper
hold, then
to shift to Gamma Howl
Mid High -
39Combine HarvesterMid High
40Mimesis Wrench KickMid
41Dump TruckMid
42Body Press
Throw when hit from the front in close range
Throw -
43Hell Driller
during hit
Cannot throw escape
Throw Throw -
to power up
Low -
45Megaton Blast
to power up
Mid -
46Double AxeMid
47Sit Down
Shift to Sit Down
48Machinegun BlastLow Low Low Mid
49Power Shovel
Hold to power up (chip damage on block)
Low -
50Cossack KicksLow Low Low Low Low Low
51Cossack SmashDuring Cossack KicksHigh
52Cossack CompactorDuring Cossack Kicks approach (crouching opponent)
Cannot throw escape
Mid Throw -
53Big FootLow
54Megaton EarthquakeLow Low
55Double BicepsMid Mid
56Piston Gun Assault
Hold to power up (chip damage on block)
Mid -
57Mad Dozer
to shift to Gamma Howl, hold at last step to power up (chip damage on block)
Mid High High -
58Sherman StompMid Mid
59Tyulpan BlastMid
60Barrel Jacket Hammer
Absorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on block
High -
61Patriot FistHigh
62Giant Foot Stomp
to power up
Unblockable -
63Sky SweeperHigh
64Sky Sweeper
, hold to power up, hits airborne opponents only,
to shift to Gamma Howl
High -
65Reactor Elbow
Mid -
, on hit shift to Gamma Howl, cannot K.O
Low -
67Pancake Press
Shift to Sit Down
Mid -
to shift to Gamma Howl
Mid -
69Rocket Uppercut
Hold to power up (chip damage on block)
Mid -
70Granite Stomping
to directly shift to crouching state
Mid -
71Rocket Kick
Chip damage on block
Mid -
72Cross Cut BlastMid Mid
73High and Low Cross CutMid Low
74Sliding Attack
Low attack on landing
Mid -
75Cemaho Chop
Chip damage on block
Mid -
76Mimesis Charging Tackle
Chip damage on block
Mid -
7710 Hit Combo 1
Or while crouching
S.Low Low Low Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid -
7810 Hit Combo 2
Or while crouching
S.Low Low Low Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Low Mid -
80Ki Charge
Cannot block when it is still in effect / Automatic counter hit
81Killing UppercutWhile risingMid
82V-TwinWhile risingMid Mid
83V-DeathblowWhile rising
Chip damage on block
Mid High -
84Toe SmashWhile risingMid
85Double Hammer TrashWhile risingMid Mid Low
86Double Low HammerWhile crouchingLow Low
87Megaton StrikeWhile crouchingLow Mid
88Low Cross ComboWhile crouchingLow Mid
89Windmill PunchesWhile crouchingMid Mid Mid High
90Swing R KnuckleWhile crouchingMid Mid Mid
91Swing R Knuckle HighWhile crouchingMid High
92Swing R Knuckle LowWhile crouchingMid Low
93Mimesis Spike PressWhile crouchingMid Mid
94Atomic Shoulder TackleWhile crouchingMid
95PulverizerWhile crouching
Hold at last step to power up (chip damage on block)
Low Mid Mid -
96DischargerDuring sidestepMid
97Piston Gun SnipeDuring sidestep
During sidestep
to shift to Gamma Howl, chip damage on block
High -
98Get Up PunchWhile down and facing up
Shift to Sit Down
Mid -
99Sit Down
, etc.
Shift to Sit Down
100Sit PunchesDuring Sit Down
Or during Sit Down
Low Low Low Low -
101Ground AssaultDuring Sit DownMid
102Extra Pancake PressDuring Sit Down
Shift to Sit Down (can shift to moves other than Extra Pancake Press)
Mid -
103Forward RollDuring Sit Down
104Backward RollDuring Sit Down
105Gamma Howl
, etc.
To Gamma Howl, partially restore remaining Heat time
106Juggernault HookDuring Gamma HowlMid
107Exaton BlastDuring Gamma Howl
Chip damage on block
High -
108Granite StompingDuring Gamma Howl
During Gamma Howl
to directly shift to crouching state
Mid -
109Full Metal DeathblowDuring Gamma Howl
Chip damage on block
High -
110Particle BarrierDuring Gamma Howl
Absorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on block
S.Mid -
111Prime Windup UppercutDuring Gamma HowlMid
112MegalodrillerDuring Gamma HowlMid Mid Mid Mid
113Breakout FortressDuring Gamma Howl
114Flying FortressDuring Gamma Howl
115Gamma ChargeTime with opponent attack
Always active during Heat, absorb attack to regain recoverable healt an partially restore remaning Heat time
116Jaguar Hook - GammaDuring Gamma Charge and Gamma Howl
Chip damage on block, during Heat partially uses remaining Heat time
Mid -
117Exaton Blast - GammaDuring Gamma Charge and Gamma Howl
Chip damage on block, during Heat partially uses remaining Heat time
High -
118Rotary CatapultApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
119Piston Gun Back BreakerApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
120Side Left BombApproach opponent from left side
Throw escape
High Throw -
121Father's LoveApproach opponent from right side
Throw escape
High Throw -
122Spinal CrushApproach opponent from behind
Cannot throw escape
High Throw -
123Throw AwayApproach opponent from behind
Cannot throw escape
High Throw -
124VolcanoApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
125Volcano BlasterApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
126Body SmashApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
127Ground ZeroApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
128Lift Up Megaton HiyApproach opponent
Cannot throw escape
High Mid -
129Pile DriverApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
130Pyramid DriverApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
131Back BreakerApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
132Mimesis OverkillDuring Gamma Howl
Throw escape
High Throw -
133Gun BombApproach crouching opponent
Or during Gamma Howl
, cannot throw escape
Mid Throw -
134Iron GunmanApproach crouching opponent
Or during Gamma Howl
, cannot throw escape, unable to shift to Heat Dash
Mid Throw -
135Twin DriversDuring opponent wall stun
Or (during opponent wall stun)
, cannot throw escape
High Throw -
136Low ParryTime with opponent low attack