Dragunov overview & gameplay guide

Character specification

Dragunov icon
Sergei Dragunov
tekken 7 logo Character
rank S

Character Trivia

Sergei Dragunov is a user of Commando Sambo and is feared for his alias "The White Angel of Death," a name he earned through his sheer and overwhelming combat prowess. While the world was embroiled in the armed conflict between the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corp, Dragunov joined the King of Iron Fist Tournament with a certain goal in mind. However, midway through the tournament, the tournament's organizer, Heihachi Mishima, goes missing, bringing the competition to a halt. Dragunov returns home, and in recognition of his dedication to his work, is granted an extended leave for the first time in his life.


Combo Damage


Wall Carry

Throw game



Fighting Style



Dragunov Gameplay Trailer

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118 moves listed

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Main Stances

  • 94
    DownDown / ForwardForward
    DownHold Down / Forwardto shift to crouching state

Move Sheet

Pros & Cons


  • Super strong approach with WR2
  • Relentless + frames pressure
  • Solid poking game
  • Strong throw game


  • Can struggle to make a comeback vs patient players

How to play Dragunov ?

Latest combos

  • Tekken 8 Combo Powered 13 hits | 80 damages

    SneakLPbreakSide Step LbreakSneakRP + RKbreakRKRKbreakDown / ForwardLPRKbreakUpNEUTRAL / No directionbreakLKLPHold Down / ForwardRPbreakHold Down / ForwardRP + RKbreakHeat BurstbreakForwardLKHold Down / ForwardLP + RP

    Sneak,1 ► SSL ► Sneak,3+4 ► 4,4 ► d/f,1,4 ► u,N ► 3,1,D/F,2 ► D/F,3+4 ► Heat Burst ► f,3,D/F,1+2

    v1.10 13 hits 80 damages Heat

  • Tekken 8 Combo Powered 12 hits | 90 damages

    DownDown / ForwardForwardSneakRPbreakDown / ForwardRP + RKbreakRKRKbreakFull CrouchHold Down / ForwardLPRKbreakUpNEUTRAL / No directionbreakLKLPHold Down / ForwardbreakSneakRPbreakW!DownLKRPLP + RP

    d,d/f,f,Sneak,2 ► d/f,3+4 ► 4,4 ► FC,D/F,1,4 ► u,N ► 3,1,D/F ► Sneak,2 ► W!,d,3,2,1+2

    v1.09 12 hits 90 damages Wall

  • Tekken 8 Combo Powered 16 hits | 83 damages

    Down / ForwardRPbreakLKLPHold Down / ForwardRP + RKbreakLKLPHold Down / ForwardRP + RKbreakHeat BurstbreakDashDown / ForwardRP + RKbreakRKLPbreakW!breakWhile RunningRKbreakDownLKRPLP + RP

    d/f,2 ► 3,1,D/F,3+4 ► 3,1,D/F,3+4 ► Heat Burst ► Dash,d/f,3+4 ► 4,1 ► W! ► WR,4 ► d,3,2,1+2

    v1.08 16 hits 83 damages Heat Wall

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