Powerfull combo #711 for Zafina posted by SolcAnimolo on
03/05/2024. This combo outputs 9 hits
and 80 damages !
Recommended game version to perform this combo : final
Common notation in Tekken community :
f,3,B ► f,f,2 ► d/f,1 ► f,2,3 ► Scarecrow Stance,d/f,1 ► WR,1+2 ► Tarantula Stance,d/f,1
9 hit combo for Zafina
Combo #711-
9 hits | 80 damages711
Scarecrow StanceWhile RunningTarantula Stance
f,3,B ► f,f,2 ► d/f,1 ► f,2,3 ► Scarecrow Stance,d/f,1 ► WR,1+2 ► Tarantula Stance,d/f,1
9 hits 80 damages
Sticky NoteThere is a slight delay to do after f 3 B
Combos that you may like
8 hits | 75 damages Counter Hit713
d/b,4,2 ► f,f,2 ► d/f,1 ► f,2,3,B ► b,1:1+2
8 hits 75 damages Counter Hit
Sticky Noteb2 : 1+2 to do at the moment when the opponent hits the ground
13 hits | 81 damages586
During HeatScarecrow StanceScarecrow StanceTarantula Stance
During Heat ► Scarecrow Stance ► 2,1,F ► u/f,1 ► 1 ► u/f,1 ► 1 ► u/f,1 ► f,2,3 ► Scarecrow Stance ► d/f,1 ► f,f,F,1+2 ► Tarantula Stance ► d/f,1
13 hits 81 damages Heat
Stage : Yakushima