Powerfull combo #302 for Reina posted by Fear on
01/27/2024. This combo outputs 14 hits
and 100 damages !
Recommended game version to perform this combo : final
Common notation in Tekken community :
EWGF ► EWGF ► f,2,3,F ► d/f,1 ► f,2,3,F ► d/f,1,F ► 2 ► Dash,WS,3,4,W! ► Dash,1 ► d,4,1
14 hit combo for Reina
Combo #302-
14 hits | 100 damages302
EWGFEWGFDashWhile StandingW!Dash
EWGF ► EWGF ► f,2,3,F ► d/f,1 ► f,2,3,F ► d/f,1,F ► 2 ► Dash,WS,3,4,W! ► Dash,1 ► d,4,1
14 hits 100 damages Wall
Stage : Secluded Training Ground
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13 hits | 99 damages1038
EWGFSentaiDashHeat BurstSentai
EWGF ► f,N,d,d/f,2 ► d/f,1 ► f,2,3,F ► d/f,1,F ► f,2,3,F ► Sentai,2 ► Dash ► Heat Burst ► f,3,Sentai ► 3,F ► d,4:1
13 hits 99 damages Heat
15 hits | 99 damages672
EWGFDashSentaiW!Heat Burst
EWGF ► d/f,2 ► d/f,1,1 ► d/f,4,2,3 ► Dash ► 2,3,F ► Sentai,W!,1+2 ► Heat Burst ► f,f,4,F ► d,4,1
15 hits 99 damages Heat Wall
Stage : Arena (Underground)
14 hits | 102 damages644
EWGFEWGFHeaven's WrathWhile StandingSentaiSentaiHeaven's WrathHeat BurstDuring Heat
EWGF ► EWGF ► u/f,1 ► Heaven's Wrath,d/f ► WS,3 ► d/f,1 ► f,2,3,F ► Sentai
14 hits 102 damages Heat
Sticky NoteHold back after going into Wind God Step to cancel the step animation and be able to instantly use the Heat Burst. You may do this with a bit of delay but in that case just tap b instead of holding it