Powerfull combo #1132 for Xiaoyu posted by Alfredo Ferreira on
06/11/2024. This combo outputs 8 hits
and 64 damages !
Recommended game version to perform this combo : final
Common notation in Tekken community :
(b,2),2 ► BT,d/b,4 ► f,3,1 ► BT,1,2 ► f ► u/f,4,D ► WS,4
8 hit combo for Xiaoyu
Combo #1132-
8 hits | 64 damages Counter Hit1132
Back TurnedBack TurnedWhile Standing
(b,2),2 ► BT,d/b,4 ► f,3,1 ► BT,1,2 ► f ► u/f,4,D ► WS,4
8 hits 64 damages Counter Hit
Sticky NoteCounter on Second Hit
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8 hits | 68 damages Counter Hit1134
HypnotistDashSide Step L
f,f,4 ► Hypnotist,3+4 ► u/b,4 ► Dash,N,SSL ► f,2 ► f,2 ► f,2,1,4
8 hits 68 damages Counter Hit
9 hits | 69 damages1128
Back TurnedWhile Standing
u/f,3 ► d/f,2 ► f,2 ► f,3,1 ► BT,1,2 ► f ► u/f,4,D ► WS,4
9 hits 69 damages
8 hits | 60 damages1124
Back TurnedWhile Standing
3 ► f,f,3 ► BT,d/b,4 ► f,3,1,4 ► f ► u/f,4,D ► WS,4
8 hits 60 damages