Paul Movelist / Command list
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Life gauge reducer

Heat Engager attack (if heat is available)

Power Crush move

Homing Attack

Tornado Attack
109 moves listed | Visual mode | Left side-
11. What can be done during Heat (general)All moves will deal chip damage on block
Cannot K.O. with chip damage, chip damage turn into recoverable health gauge
22. What can be done during Heat (general)A Heat Dash can be used when a Heat Engager hits or is blocked
Until Heat Engager reaches opponent
33. What can be done during Heat (general)Heat Smash, a move that causes critical damage, can be activated (after activation,Heat will end)
During Heat
44. What can be done during Heat (unique)Allows the use of the powered up version of Phoenix Smasher
, etc.
55. What can be done during Heat (unique)Powered up versions of hold moves can be used
hold, etc.
6Heat BurstWhen Heat activation available
Partially uses remaining Heat time,
to cancel attack
Mid -
7Phoenix Hook, Tiger Claw
Throw when hit from the front on the ground (does not shift when using Heat Dash), Heat engaged when the throw is completed
High Throw -
8Stone LionMid
, chip damage on block
High -
10Phoenix SmasherDuring Cormorant Step (
Has clean hit effect, power up while Heat is activated (partially uses remaining Heat time)
Mid -
11Rubber Band AttackDuring Sway (
Has clean hit effect
Mid -
12Demolition BallDuring Heat
Heat Smash, on hit shift to throw
Low Mid Throw -
13Big Bang Phoenix SmasherDuring Rage
Rage Art, erases opponent's recoverable health on hit
Mid Throw -
14Left Right ComboHigh High
15Reverse PDK ComboHigh Low
16PK ComboHigh High
17PDK ComboHigh Low
18Piston FireMid High
19Half-Step Phoenix Smasher
Power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
Mid -
20Half-Step Phoenix Smasher
Chip damage on block, power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
Mid -
21Burning Fist
hold (max)
Power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time),
hold, then
to cancel and shift to Cormorant Step,
hold, then
to cancel and shift to Sway
Unblockable -
22Phoenix Hook, Tiger Claw
Throw when hit from the front on the ground (does not shift when using Heat Dash), Heat engaged when the throw is completed
High Throw -
23Lion's TempestHigh Mid
24Stone LionMid
25Hammer of the GodsMid
26Hammer of the Gods
Chip damage on block, power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
Mid -
27Shoulder TackleMid
28Lion's Roar
to shift to Sway
Mid High Mid -
30Phoenix WingsMid Mid
31Tiger ClawMid
32Hammer Punch
to directly shift to crouching state
Mid -
33Hammer Punch > Phoenix Smasher
Power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
Mid Mid -
34Hammer Punch > Phoenix Smasher
Chip damage on block, power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
Mid Mid -
35Hang OverMid Low Mid
36Bone Breaker
, has clean hit effect
Low Mid -
37Demolition Man
, power up with perfect frame input
Low Mid Mid -
38Shoulder SmashMid
39Shoot the MoonMid
40Chain Breaker
Absorb an attack to power up and deal more damage on block
Mid -
41Double WingHigh Mid
42Crushing WindMid Mid
43Crushing Wind
Chip damage on block, power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
Mid Mid -
44Lights OutHigh
45Leg SweepLow
46Hassou Strike
Absorb an attack to power up and deal more damage on block
High -
47Wrecking BallMid
, chip damage on block
High -
Mid Mid -
50Rising Toe Kick
Mid -
51Delayed Rising Toe KickMid
Or while crouching
to cancel
Mid Mid -
53Phoenix Bone Breaker
(Perfect Input)
Or while crouching
(Perfect), with chip damage on block
Mid High -
Or while crouching
to cancel and shift to crouching state
Mid Low -
55Double Hop Kick HighMid Mid High
56Triple Kick ComboMid Mid Mid
57Double Hop Kick LowMid Mid Low
58Neutron Bomb
Chip damage on block
Mid -
59Tiger Thruster
Chip damage on block
Mid -
60Turbulent HammerApproach airborne opponent
Cannot throw escape
Mid Throw -
61Burning SpearHigh
6210 Hit Combo 1High High Mid High Mid High High Low Mid Mid
6310 Hit Combo 2High High Mid Mid Low Mid High Mid Low Mid
6410 Hit Combo 3High High Mid Mid Mid
65Ki Charge
Cannot block when it is still in effect / Automatic counter hit
66Enfolding DragonWhile rising
While rising
to shift to Sway
Mid Mid -
67Thunder PalmWhile risingMid
68ShiohWhile risingMid High
69Toe SmashWhile risingMid
70Somersault Kick Warm-Up MovesWhile crouching
71Incomplete SomersaultDuring Somersault Kick Warm-Up Moves
Deals self-damage (recoverable)
Mid -
72Turn ThrusterDuring sidestep
Chip damage on block
High -
73Pump in PedalDuring sidestepLow
74Cormorant Step
to shift to crouching state
Chip damage on block
High -
76Phoenix Smasher
Has clean hit effect, power up while Heat is activated (partially uses remaining Heat time)
Mid -
Has clean hit effect
Low -
to cancel and shift to crouching state
Low -
79Mountaine RazeMid
80Deep DiveDuring Cormorant Step
Or during Sway
81Quick Pedal StrikeDuring Deep DiveMid High
82Quick Lighting BreakerDuring Deep DiveMid Mid
83BigetsuDuring Deep DiveLow
84Incomplete SomersaultDuring Deep Dive
Deals self-damage (recoverable)
Mid -
86God Hammer PunchMid
87Rubber Band Attack
Chip damage on block
Mid -
88Rapid Fire > Pedal Strike
Has clean hit effect
Low Mid High -
89Rapid Fire > Lightning BreakerLow Mid Mid
Chip damage on block
High -
91Unseen GustMid
92Over The ShoulderApproah opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
93Shoulder PopApproah opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
94Dragon ScrewApproah opponent from left side
Throw escape
High Throw -
95Fall AwayApproah opponent from right side
Throw escape
High Throw -
96Reverse Neck ThrowApproah opponent from behind
Cannot throw escape
High Throw -
97Piggyback ThrowApproah opponent from behind
Cannot throw escape
High Throw -
98Chest CrusherApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
99Kongo Blast > Phoenix SmasherApproach opponent
Throw escape
, power up with perfect frame input or during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
High Throw Mid -
100Foot LaunchApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
101Twist and ShoutApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
102Push AwayApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
103Ultimate TackerWhile crouching
Throw escape
,shift to takedown on hit
Mid Throw -
104Ultimate PunchDuring takedow
Or during takedown
, throw escape
Throw -
105Ultimate PunishmentDuring takedow
Throw escape
Throw -
106ArmbarDuring takedow
Shit is also possible after the third hit of Ultimate Punch, throw escape
Throw -
107Attack ReversalTime with opponent attack
Throw -
108Low ParryTime with opponent low attack
109Down StrikeWhile opponent is down