Kazuya Movelist / Command list
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Life gauge reducer

Heat Engager attack (if heat is available)

Power Crush move

Homing Attack

Tornado Attack
97 moves listed | Visual mode | Left side-
11. What can be done during Heat (general)All moves will deal chip damage on block
Cannot K.O. with chip damage, chip damage turn into recoverable health gauge
22. What can be done during Heat (general)A Heat Dash can be used when a Heat Engager hits or is blocked
Until Heat Engager reaches opponent
33. What can be done during Heat (general)Heat Smash, a move that causes critical damage, can be activated (after activation,Heat will end)
During Heat
44. What can be done during Heat (unique)Allows the use of new moves using devil's power
55. What can be done during Heat (unique)Allows the use of Electric Wind God Fist without Perfect Input
6Heat BurstWhen Heat activation available
Partially uses remaining Heat time,
to cancel attack
7Slaughter Hook
With chip damage on block, shift to Devil Form on Heat activation
Mid High -
With chip damage on block, shift to Devil Form on Heat activation
Mid Mid Mid -
9Flash Tornado
With chip damage on block, shift to Devil Form on Heat activation
High -
10Kumo Kiri
With chip damage on block, shift to Devil Form on Heat activation
Mid -
11Devil Fist
With chip damage on block, shift to Devil Form on Heat activation
Mid -
12Omega CrashHeat Smash, on hit shift to throwLow Mid Throw
13Demonic CatastropheDuring Rage
Rage Art, erases opponent's recoverable health on hit
Mid Throw -
14Flash Punch ComboHigh High Mid
15One Two StrikeHigh High
16Back Fist ComboHigh High High
17Twin Fang Shattered SpineHigh High Mid
18Twin Fang Double KickHigh High Low Mid
19Double Back FistHigh Mid
20Agony Spear
to shift to Wind God Step
High High Mid -
22Demon Scissors
Or while rising
Mid Mid -
23Acute PainMid Mid
24Soul Thrust
Absorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on block
Mid -
25Oni Front KickMid
26Right Splits KickMid
27Glorious Demon God Fist
Punch parry effect
Mid -
28Slaughter Hook
With chip damage on block, shift to Devil Form on Heat activation
Mid High -
29Slaughter UppercutMid Mid
30Slaughter High KickMid High
31Abolishing FistMid
32Impaling Knee Twin ThrustMid Mid Mid
33Impaling Knee Twin Skewer
Chip damage on block
Mid Mid Mid -
34Tsunami KickMid Mid
35Kyogeki Goutsuiken
Chip damage on block
Mid High Mid Mid -
36Nejiri Uraken
to cancel and shift to crouching state
Low -
With chip damage on block, shift to Devil Form on Heat activation
Mid Mid Mid -
38Lion SlayerMid
39Sliding Low KickLow
40Stature SmashLow
41Sokushitsu GodaHigh Mid
42Danzui Raizanba
Chip damage on block
Mid Mid High -
43Rampaging DemonMid High Mid
44Demon's WrathHigh High Low Mid
45Reign of TerrorHigh High Low Low
46Flash Tornado
With chip damage on block, shift to Devil Form on Heat activation
High -
47Kumo Kiri
With chip damage on block, shift to Devil Form on Heat activation
Mid -
48Lightning Screw UppercutUnblockable
50Searing Edge
Mid -
51Roundhouse > Triple Spin Kick
Mid Low Low Mid -
52Delayed Rising Toe KickMid
53Mist Step
to shift to Wind God Step
54Devil Fist
With chip damage on block, shift to Devil Form on Heat activation
Mid -
55Left Splits KickMid
56Devil's Steel PetalMid
57Leaping Side Kick
Chip damage on block
Mid -
5810 Hit Combo 1High High High High High Mid Low Low Mid Unblockable
5910 Hit Combo 2High High Mid Mid Low Mid Low Mid Unblockable
60Ki Charge
Cannot block when it is still in effect / Automatic counter hit
61Wind God Step
62Thunder God FistMid
63Wind God Fist
Becomes Electric Wind God Fist during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
High -
64Electric Wind God Fist
press simultaneously)
press simultaneously), chip damage on block
High -
65Hell Lancer
Chip damage on block
High -
66Spinning Demon > Left HookLow Mid
67Illusive DemonLow High
68Parricide Fist
Chip damage on block
Mid -
69Twin PistonsWhile risingMid Mid
70Demon God FistWhile risingMid
71EngetsusenWhile risingMid
72Tsunami KickWhile risingMid Mid
73Fujin UrakenWhile risingMid
74Tombstone CrusherWhile crouchingMid
75Shattered SpineDuring sidestepMid
76ElkeidDuring sidestepHigh
77Devil BreakDuring Devil Form
Partially uses remaining Heat time, on hit to standing or crouching opponent shift to throw
High High Mid -
78Devil BlasterDuring Devil Form
Partially uses remaining Heat time
Unblockable -
79Roar of the DevilDuring Devil Form
Or during Devil Form while rising
, partially uses remaining Heat time, has reversal break effect, absorb an attack to power up
Mid -
80Devil ImpactDuring Devil Form
Partially uses remaining Heat time,
to shift to Wind God Step
Low -
81InfernoDuring Devil Form
Partially uses remaining Heat time
Unblockable -
82Air InfernoDuring Devil Form
Partially uses remaining Heat time
High -
83Chaos InfernoDuring Devil Form
Throw on front hit (partially uses remaining Heat time, does not shift when Heat Dash or with
Mid Throw -
84DamnationDuring Devil Form
Throw on hit (partially uses remaining Heat time, does not shift with
Mid Throw -
85Tempest BlasterDuring Devil Form
Partially uses remaining Heat time, throw on front hit, chip damage on block, does not shift with
High Throw -
86Abyss DamnationDuring Devil Form
Partially uses remaining Heat time, on hit shift to throw (does not shift with
Low Mid Mid Throw -
87Devil TwisterDuring Devil Form and sidestep
Partially uses remaining Heat time
Mid -
88Double High SweepApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
89Lightning CrashApproach opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
90Steel Pedal DropApproach opponent from left side
Throw escape
High Throw -
91Skull SmashApproach opponent from right side
Throw escape
High Throw -
92Reverse Neck ThrowApproach opponent from behind
Cannot throw escape
High Throw -
93StoneheadApproach opponent
, throw escape
High Throw -
94Gates of HellWhile crouching
Throw escape
High Throw -
95Low ParryTime with opponent low attack
96Oni StompWhile opponent is downLow
97Grand InfernoWhile opponent is down during Devil Form
Partially uses remaining Heat time