Jun Movelist / Command list
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Life gauge reducer

Heat Engager attack (if heat is available)

Power Crush move

Homing Attack

Tornado Attack
130 moves listed | Visual mode | Left side-
11. What can be done during Heat (general)All moves will deal chip damage on block
Cannot K.O. with chip damage, chip damage turn into recoverable health gauge
22. What can be done during Heat (general)A Heat Dash can be used when a Heat Engager hits or is blocked
Until Heat Engager reaches opponent
33. What can be done during Heat (general)Heat Smash, a move that causes critical damage, can be activated (after activation,Heat will end)
During Heat
44. What can be done during Heat (unique)Allow the use of Kazama's Power (Health reducing move) with less health reduced
on hit or block
on hit or block
, etc.
55. What can be done during Heat (unique)Allows the use of the powered up version of Inner Peace
6Heat BurstWhen Heat activation available
Partially uses remaining Heat time,
to cancel attack
Mid -
on hit or block
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Mid Mid -
9KaguraDuring sidestep (
Mid -
10Zuiun RenkyakuDuring Izumo (
, etc.)
High Mid High -
11Ame-no-NubokoDuring Miare (
, etc)
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
S.Mid -
12Yomotsu OoyumiDuring Heat
On hit or block regain recoverable health, Heat Smash
Mid Mid -
13Yomotsu MihashiraDuring Heat and Genjitsu
On hit or block regain recoverable health, Heat Smash
Low Mid -
14Amatsu IzanamiDuring Rage
Rage Art, erases opponent's recoverable health on hit
Mid Throw -
15Spear Step > Izumo Smash
Shift to Izumo
High Mid -
16Spear Step
) to shift to sidestep
High High -
17Spear Step > Izumo Strike
Shift to Izumo
High High High -
18Spear Step > Spin KickHigh High Mid
19Suiren Leg ScytheHigh Low
20Byakuren Tsukinuki
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
High Mid Mid Mid -
21Byakuren TamasudareHigh Mid Mid High
22Byakuren MisogiHigh Mid High
25Ryuuntsui - Misogi
to shift to crouching state when blocking, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Mid Mid Mid -
26White Heron DanceS.Low High High Mid
27White Heron Lower DanceS.Low High High Low
28White Heron Sun PalmS.Low High Mid Mid
29White Heron Moon KickS.Low High Mid Low
30Izumo Smash
Shift to Izumo
Mid -
31Demon Slayer
to cancel and shift to crouching state
Mid -
on hit or block
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Mid Mid -
33Kanbashira > Izumo Strike
) to shift to sidestep, shift to Izumo
Mid High -
34Double Kanbashira
) to shift to Izumo
Mid Mid -
36Inner Peace
On hit shift to Miare, can parry during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time), deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
High -
Shift to Genjitsu, during Genjitsu
to shift to crouching state
38Wheel Kick
Punch parry effect
High -
39HabotanMid Mid
40Aya StitchMid High
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Mid -
on hit or block
Mid Mid -
45Heavenly Sun PalmMid Mid
46Heavenly Moon KickMid Low
48SuminagashiLow High
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Mid -
50Double Lift KicksLow High
51Hourai's Dance
Recover health on hit
Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid -
53Leg ScytheLow
to directly shift to crouching state
Low Low Low -
55Kariashi HakuroDuring Kariashi
Link to attack from
S.Low High -
to cancel and shift to crouching state
Low -
57Sumire Okuri
(Counter Hit)
Throw when hit from the front
Low Throw -
58Ryuen Saika Shikei
to shift to Genjitsu,
Mid High Mid -
59Ryuen Saika Renken
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Mid High Mid -
60Ryuen Saika RenshuuMid High High
61Ryuen MagushiMid Mid
62Dragon Wheel KickMid
63Ryuusha Renken
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Mid Mid -
64Dragon Wheel Leg Cutter
Link to attack from
to directly shift to crouching state
Mid Low -
65ShirabyoushiMid Mid
Shift to Miare, regain recoverable health, during Miare
) to shift to sidestep
Absorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on block
Mid -
69Izumo Strike
, shift to Izumo
High -
Mid -
71Divine Exile - Heaven
Deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
High High -
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Mid -
Mid -
74Housenka - Misogi
On hit shift to Miare, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Mid Mid Mid -
Mid Mid -
76Suiei Ura Saika
to shift to Genjitsu,
to shift to Miare
Mid Mid -
77Suiei Kagetsu
to shift to Genjitsu,
to shift to Miare
Mid High -
Chip damage on block
Mid Mid Mid -
79Tokkei - Misogi
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Mid -
, chip damage on block
Mid -
81Ki Charge
Cannot block when it is still in effect / Automatic counter hit
82Tenkan Saika ShikeiWhile rising
While rising
to shift to Genjitsu, while rising
to shift to Miare
High High Mid -
83Tenkan Saika RenkenWhile rising
While rising
to shift to Genjitsu, while rising
High High Mid -
84Tenkan Saika RenshuuWhile rising
While rising
to shift to Genjitsu, while rising
to shift to Miare
High High High -
85TomoezakuraWhile risingHigh Mid Low
86TomoefujiWhile risingHigh Mid Mid
87HyakkaouWhile risingMid Mid
88GiohWhile risingMid
89IchikakuWhile risingMid
90Sudare NagashiWhile rising
While rising
to cancel and shift to crouching state
Mid -
91Flowing Moon ScentWhile risingMid
92Twin Cloud KicksWhile crouching
While crouching
) to directly shift to crouching state
Mid Mid Mid Mid -
93Divine Exile - EarthWhile crouching
Deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
S.Low Mid -
94GraceWhile crouchingLow
95KanamegaeshiWhile crouching
Has clean hit effect
Low -
9610 Hit ComboWhile risingHigh High Low High High Mid High Low Mid Mid
97KasanegasumiDuring sidestepMid
98KaguraDuring sidestepMid
99SankouchouDuring sidestep
Recover health on hit
High High Mid -
, etc.
Recover health on hit
High -
101Haraede KannagiDuring Izumo
Recover health on hit
High High -
102Haraede MusubiDuring IzumoHigh Mid
103Setsurinbu - MisogiDuring Izumo
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Mid -
104Zuiun RenkyakuDuring IzumoMid Mid
105Wakeikazuchi - MisogiDuring Izumo
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Low Mid -
106MihikariooshiDuring Izumo
Absorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on block
Mid -
107Dianthus GardenDuring IzumoMid
Shift to Genjitsu, during Genjitsu
to shift to crouching state
109RurikoukaiDuring GenjitsuLow
110Kazama Style SpiritDuring Genjitsu
Throw on front hit, deals self-damage (partially recoverable), absorb an attack to power up and add chip damage
Mid Throw -
111Getsuun RenkenDuring Genjitsu
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable), during Genjitsu
to shift to crouching state
Mid Mid -
112NichiunDuring GenjitsuHigh
, etc.
Shift to Miare, regain recoverable health, during Miare
) to shift to sidestep,
to shift to standing state
114Ame-no-SakahokoDuring Mare
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
Mid -
115Ame-no-NubokoDuring Mare
Chip damage on block, deals self-damage (partially recoverable)
S.Mid -
116Izumo StrikeDuring Mare
Shift to Izumo
High -
117GenjitsuDuring Mare
Shift to Genjitsu
118Shiho NageApproah opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
119KatanukiApproah opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
120Cloud TasteApproah opponent from left side
Throw escape
High Throw -
121Wind WheelApproah opponent from right side
Throw escape
High Throw -
122Twisted LimbsApproah opponent from behind
Cannot throw escape
High Throw -
123White MountainApproah opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
124RiaiApproah opponent
Throw escape
High Throw -
125Falling RainWhile crouching
Throw escape
High Throw -
126TsukuyomiDuring Izumo
Throw escape
High Throw -
127Attack ReversalTime with opponent attack
Throw -
128AmaterasuTime with opponent low attack
Recover health
Throw -
129Low ParryTime with opponent low attack
130Throw ReversalTime with opponent throw
Recover health