Hwoarang Movelist / Command list
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Life gauge reducer
Heat Engager attack (if heat is available)
Power Crush move
Homing Attack
Tornado Attack
156 moves listed | Visual mode | Left side-
11. What can be done during Heat (general)All moves will deal chip damage on blockCannot K.O. with chip damage, chip damage turn into recoverable health gauge
22. What can be done during Heat (general)A Heat Dash can be used when a Heat Engager hits or is blockedUntil Heat Engager reaches opponent
33. What can be done during Heat (general)Heat Smash, a move that causes critical damage, can be activated (after activation,Heat will end)During Heat
44. What can be done during Heat (unique)Can use kicks during powered up Right FlamingoDuring Right Flamingo, during Right Flamingo, etc.
5Heat BurstWhen Heat activation availablePartially uses remaining Heat time,to cancel attackMid
6Ignition BarrageChip damage on block, also possible during Right FlamingoMid High Mid
7PeacekeeperAlso possible during Right Flamingo, shift to Right Stance (does not shift when using Heat Dash)Mid
8Black KiteDuring Right Stance (, etc.)Chip damage on block, shift to Righr Stance (does not shift when using Heat Dash)Mid
9Flamingo RocketDuring Left Flamingo (, etc.)Shift to Left Flamingo (does not shift when using Heat Dash)Mid
10Left Heel LanceDuring Right Flamingo (, etc.)Mid
11Trinity ClaymoreDuring HeatAlso possible during Right Stance and Left Flamingo, shift to Right Flamingo, Heat SmashMid Throw
12Sky BurialDuring RageAlso possible during Right Stance, Left Flamingo or Right Flamingo, Rage Art, erases opponent's recoverable health on hitMid Throw
13Home SurgeryHigh High Low High
14Left Right Comboto shift to Left Flamingo,to shift to Right FlamingoHigh High
15RejectorHigh High Mid
16RejectionHigh High High
17Right Jabto shift to Left Flamingo,to shift to Right FlamingoHigh
18Right Jab Side KickHigh Mid
19Righ Jab > Spinning Back KickHigh High
20Siege Mortar ComboHigh Mid Mid
21Left Kicksto shift to Left FlamingoHigh Mid Mid
22Left Kicks > Right Hook KickShift to Right FlamingoHigh Mid High
23Left Kicks > BacklashHigh Mid High
24Flying EaglePower up with quick inputMid Mid
25Right Left Kick Comboto cancel and shift to Left FlamingoHigh Mid
26Right Kicks > Chainsaw HeelShift to Right Stance,to shift to Right FlamingoHigh High Mid
27Right Kicks > Raptor ComboChip damage on block,to shift to Right Flamingo,to cancel and shift to Right FlamingoHigh High High High
28DisrespectFacing Backward
29Motion SwitchShift to Right Stance
30Rusty KnifeShift to Right StanceMid
31Left Flamingo FeintShift to Left Flamingo
32Cheap Shot Snap KickMid
33Right Hook KickShift to Right FlamingoHigh
34Right Flamingo FeintShift to Right Flamingo
35Push HandsAlso possible during Right StanceMid
36Left Uppercut & Middle KickAlso possible during Right Stance, shift to Left FlamingoMid Mid
37Right UppercutAlso possible during Right StanceMid
38Double ClaymoreAbsorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on block,(oror) to cancel and shift to Left FlamingoMid Mid
39Middle ClaymoreShift to Right StanceMid
40Ignition BarrageChip damage on block, also possible during Right StanceMid High Mid
41Smash Low RightShift to Right FlamingoLow High
42FirecrackerAlso possible during Right StanceLow High
43Sweep KickAlso possible during Right Stance,to shift to Right FlamingoLow
44Ankle Biter > Crescent KickAlso possible during Right Stance,to cancel and shift to Left FlamingoLow High
45Dynamite HeelUnblockable
46Stealth NeedleMid
47Left Plasma BladeMid
48Nose BleederShift to Right StanceHigh
49Knife Hand Strikeor, Also possible during Right StanceHigh
50Fade-Away KickAlso possible during Right StanceMid
51Jump KickAlso possible during Right Stance, shift to Left FlamingoHigh
52Scorpion Side KickAlso possible during Right Stance, shift to Right FlamingoMid
53Bloody GuillotineAlso possible during Right StanceMid
54Bone StingerAlso possible during Right StanceMid
55Hunting Hawkon hit or blockAlso possible during Right Stance,on hit or block to shift to Right FlamingoMid Mid Mid
56Air RaidAlso possible during Right Stance, shift to Right Flamingo,to shift to Right Flamingo, to shift to Right FlamingoHigh Mid Low
57Flashing TridentAlso possible during Right Stance, shift to Right Stance, to shift to Left FlamingoMid High Mid
58Delayed Rising Toe KickAlso possible during Right StanceMid
59Spinning Axe KickShift to Right StanceMid
60PeacekeeperAlso possible during Right Stance, shift to Right Stance (does not shift when using Heat Dash)Mid
61Flying NerichagiChip damage on block, also possible during Right StanceMid
62Torpedo KickChip damage on block, also possible during Right StanceHigh
63Ki ChargeCannot block when it is still in effect / Automatic counter hit
64Shark Step
65PhalanxChip damage on block, also possible during Right Stance, shift to Left FlamingoMid
66Sky RocketAlso possible during Right StanceMid
67Lethal Sky Rocket( press simultaneously)Chip damage on block, during Right Stance simultaneous press of not requiredMid
68Chonsan SpinWhile risingShift to Left FlamingoMid High
69Iron HeelWhile risingMid
70Tsunami KickWhile risingShift to Right StanceMid Mid
71Spinning Scythe > Axe HeelWhile risingOr, while risingto face backwardMid Mid
72EruptionDuring sidestepShift to Left FlamingoMid High
73Spinning Trip KickDuring sidestepShift to Right StanceLow
74Left Plasma BladeBack facing opponentMid
75Plasma BladeBack facing opponentShift to Right StanceMid
76Spinning Low KickBack facing opponentLow
77Right Stance, etc.or possible while maintaining stance
78MigraineDuring Right StanceHigh Mid
79Big FistsDuring Right StanceHigh High Mid
80Hawk StrikeDuring Right StanceHigh High
81Chainsaw Kick ComboDuring Right StanceShift to Right Stance, (ororor) to shift to Right FlamingoHigh High Mid
82Right Reverse Kick ComboDuring Right Stance(ororor) to shift to Right FlamingoHigh High High
83VolcannonDuring Right StanceShift to Right Flamingo, to cancel and shift to Right FlamingoMid High
84BacklashDuring Right StanceHas clean hit effect, chip damage on block, absorb attacks to power upHigh
85Chainsaw KickDuring Right StanceShift to Right Stance, (ororor) to shift to Right FlamingoHigh Mid
86Right Reverse KickDuring Right Stance(ororor) to shift to Right FlamingoHigh High
87DisrespectDuring Right StanceFacing Backward
88Motion SwitchDuring Right Stance
89Left Right ComboDuring Right StanceHigh High
90Cheap ShotDuring Right StanceShift to Left Flamingo, to face backwardHigh
91Right Flamingo FeintDuring Right StanceShift to Right Flamingo
92Plasma BladeDuring Right StanceShift to Right StanceMid
93Black KiteDuring Right StanceChip damage on block, shift to Right Stance (does not shift when using Heat Dash)Mid
94Right SidekickDuring Right StanceShift to Right Stance, (ororor) to shift to Right FlamingoMid
95Double ClaymoreDuring Right StanceAbsorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on block, (oror) to cancel and shift to Left FlamingoMid Mid
96Triumph Low RightDuring Right StanceShift to Right Flamingo,to face backwardLow High
97Heel ScrewDuring Right StanceShift to Right StanceLow
98Blast FistDuring Right StanceShift to Right StanceMid
99Nose BleederDuring Right StanceHigh
100Spin KickDuring Right StanceHigh
101Hunting HeelDuring Right StanceMid
102Left Flamingo Feint, etc.Can move while maintaining stance(ororor)
103Left Flamingo > Back HandDuring Left FlamingoHigh
104Right BackhandDuring Left FlamingoShift to Right StanceMid
105Flamingo Siege ComboDuring Left FlamingoDuring Left Flamingoto shift to Left FlamingoMid Mid
106Flamingo Kick Combo MiddleDuring Left FlamingoDuring Left Flamingoto shift to Left FlamingoMid Mid
107Flamingo Side Kick > Right Hook KickDuring Left FlamingoShift to Right flamingo, during Left Flamingoto shift to Left FlamingoMid High
108Flamingo Side Kick > BacklashDuring Left FlamingoDuring Left Flamingoto shift to Left FlamingoMid High
109Right Step KickDuring Left FlamingoShift to Right FlamingoHigh
110Lightning HalberdDuring Left FlamingoChip damage on block, power up with quick inputHigh High
111Flamingo Switch > Right FlamingoDuring Left FlamingoShift to Right Flamingo
112Power BlastDuring Left FlamingoDuring Left Flamingoto cancelUnblockable
113Flamingo RocketDuring Left FlamingoShift to Left Flamingo (does not shift when using Heat Dash)Mid
114Spinning Hook KickDuring Left FlamingoMid
115Flamingo Double ClaymoreDuring Left FlamingoAbsorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on bloc, during Left Flamingo(oror) to cancel and shift to Left FlamingoMid Mid
116Flamingo Low RightDuring Left FlamingoShift to Right FlamingoLow High
117Combat LowDuring Left FlamingoDuring Left Flamingo, shift to Right StanceLow
118Stealth NeedleDuring Left FlamingoMid
119Left ThunderboltDuring Left FlamingoAbsorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on block, shift to Right StanceMid
120Flamingo Screw KickDuring Left FlamingoChip damage on block, shift to Right StanceMid High
121Flamingo Hunting HawkDuring Left Flamingoon hit or blockDuring Left Flamingoon hit or blockto shift to Right FlamingoMid Mid Mid
122Switch Plasma BladeDuring Left FlamingoMid
123Flamingo Flashing TridentDuring Left FlamingoShift to Right Stance, during Left Flamingoto shift to Left FlamingoMid High Mid
12410 Hit Combo 1During Left FlamingoShift to Right StanceMid High High Low Mid Mid Low High Mid High
125Right Flamingo, etc.Can move while maintaining stance(ororor)
126Left PunchDuring Right FlamingoMid
127Right Flamingo > Back HandDuring Right FlamingoLink to attack from during Right StanceHigh
128Left Step KickDuring Right FlamingoShift to Left Flamingo, power up during Heat (increased chip damage on block)High
129Right KickDuring Right FlamingoShift to Right Stance, power up during Heat (increased chip damage on block)Mid
130Flamingo Switch > Left FlamingoDuring Right FlamingoShift to Left Flamingo
131Screw KickDuring Right FlamingoPower up during Heat (increased chip damage on block)Mid
132Right Viper Combo > Right SwordDuring Right FlamingoShift to Right Stance, power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time, increased chip damage on block)High High High
133Snap KickDuring Right FlamingoPower up during Heat (increased chip damage on block)Mid
134TeaserDuring Right FlamingoChip damage on block ,power up during Heat (increased chip damage on block)Low High
135Predator BardicheDuring Right FlamingoPower up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time, increased chip damage on block), during Right Flamingoto shift to Right StanceLow High High
136Left Heel LanceDuring Right FlamingoPower up during Heat (increased chip damage on block)Mid
137Right ThunderboltDuring Right FlamingoAbsorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on block, power up during Heat (increased chip damage on block)Mid
138Raptor ClawDuring Right FlamingoLink to attack from, power up during Heat (increased chip damage on block)High
139Flamingo Hunting HeelDuring Right FlamingoPower up during Heat (increased chip damage on block)Mid
140Air BladeDuring Right FlamingoShift to Right Stance, power up during Heat (increased chip damage on block)Mid
141Flying EagleDuring Right FlamingoPower up with quick input, power up during Heat (increased chip damage on block)Mid Mid
14210 Hit Combo 2During Right FlamingoShift to Right StanceMid High High Low Mid Mid Low High Mid High
143PickpocketApproach opponentThrow escapeorHigh Throw
144Falcon Dice KickApproach opponentThrow escapeorHigh Throw
145Bring It OnApproach opponent from left side(or)Also possible during Right Stance, throw escapeHigh Throw
146Dead-EndApproach opponent from right side(or)Also possible during Right Stance, throw escapeHigh Throw
147SlaughterhouseApproach opponent from behind(or)Also possible during Right Stance, cannot throw escapeHigh Throw
148Roll and ChokeApproach opponentThrow escapeHigh Throw
149Human CannonballApproach opponentAlso possible during Right Stance, Left Flamingo, and Right Flamingo, throw escapeHigh Throw
150Leg Hook ThrowApproach opponentAlso possible during Right Stance, throw escapeHigh Throw
151Door MatApproach opponentThrow escapeHigh Throw
152Overhead KickApproach opponentAlso possible during Right Stance, cannot throw escapeMid Throw
153JackknifeDuring Right Stance approach opponent(or)Throw escapeHigh Throw
154ParryTime with opponent punch(or)When parrying a punch,for a follow-up attack
155Shotgun ShuffleAfter successful parryMid High High
156Low ParyTime with opponent low attack