Claudio Movelist / Command list
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Life gauge reducer
Heat Engager attack (if heat is available)
Power Crush move
Homing Attack
Tornado Attack
77 moves listed | Visual mode | Left side-
11. What can be done during Heat (general)All moves will deal chip damage on blockCannot K.O. with chip damage, chip damage turn into recoverable health gauge
22. What can be done during Heat (general)A Heat Dash can be used when a Heat Engager hits or is blockedUntil Heat Engager reaches opponent
33. What can be done during Heat (general)Heat Smash, a move that causes critical damage, can be activated (after activation,Heat will end)During Heat
44. What can be done during Heat (unique)Can use Starbust movesDuring Starbust,,,,, etc.
5Heat BurstWhen Heat activation availablePartially uses remaining Heat time, gain Starbust, to cancel attackMid
6Circle of JudgmentGain Starbust on hitHigh Mid Mid
7RequiescatGain Starbust on hitMid High
8Shining RayGain Starbust on hitMid Mid
9Meteor StormOror, gain Starbust on hitMid
10IraGain Starbust on hit, chip damage on blockHigh
11Stella CadenteDuring HeatHeat Smash, on hit, shift to throwLow Throw
12La Luce Di SirioDuring RageRage Art, erases opponent's recoverable health on hit, gain Starbust on hitS.Mid Throw
13Scattered AshesHigh High
14AbsolveHigh Low
15Circle of JudgmentGain Starbust on hitHigh Mid Mid
16RequiescatGain Starbust on hitMid High
17Battle ScarsHigh High
18Crimson Delta Edgeduring front hit on the groundGain Starbust on hit,during front hit on ground, to power upMid Throw
19Rolling StrikeMid
20Trinity of PainHigh Mid Mid
21Deadly SinGain Starbust on hitHigh Mid
22Sacred EdgeHigh
23Into the AbyssMid
24Cross Arm ImpactMid Mid
25Above the StormHigh
26Sky's ArcMid Mid
27Chaos FistMid
28Dispel MagicMid Mid
29Dispel ForceMid High
30Mystic RayMid Mid
31Gravity HoleLow Low
32SuperbiaOr back facing opponentMid
33Twin ClawsOr while crouchingS.Low Mid
35Lagrange NeedleLow High
36Blue MoonMid
37Vanishing StormMid
38Spinning SkiesHigh
39Crescent HeelMid Mid
40Shining WindChip damage on blockMid High
41Shining RayGain Starbust on hitMid Mid
42AvaritiaMid High Mid
43Lunar RayMid Mid
44Judgment ClawAbsorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on blockMid
45Eternal MoonMid
46Big BangUnblockable
47Meteor StormOror, gain Starbust on hitMid
48Ground Slash NovaOror, chip damage on blockMid
49Sky Slash NovaOrorMid
50PolluxMid Mid
51Delayed Rising Toe KickMid
52Dual GunsOr while crouchingMid High
53Bringer of JusticeOr while crouching, gain Starbust on hitMid Mid
55IraGain Starbust on hit, chip damage on blockHigh
5610 Hit ComboHigh Mid Mid Mid Low High Mid Mid High Mid
57Ki ChargeCannot block when it is still in effect / Automatic counter hit
58Noble StepWhile risingMid High
59Malefic DrawWhile risingMid Mid
60SylviaWhile risingGain Starbust on hitMid
61Piercing WindWhile risingMid
62Holy SmashWhile risingMid
63LuxuriaDuring sidestepLow
64Aurora PactumDuring StarbustChip damage when blocking, removes Starbust (during Heat, partially uses remaining Heat time)High S.Mid
65Cross Arm Impact BurstDuring StarbustChip damage when blocking, removes Starbust (during Heat, partially uses remaining Heat time)Mid Mid
66Mystic Ray BurstDuring StarbustChip damage when blocking, removes Starbust (during Heat, partially uses remaining Heat time)Mid Mid
67Blue Moon BurstDuring StarbustChip damage when blocking, removes Starbust (during Heat, partially uses remaining Heat time)Mid
68Avaritia BurstDuring StarbustChip damage when blocking, removes Starbust (during Heat, partially uses remaining Heat time)Mid High Mid
69AnimaDuring StarbustChip damage when blocking, removes Starbust (during Heat, partially uses remaining Heat time)High
70Malefic Draw BurstDuring Starbust while risingChip damage when blocking, removes Starbust (during Heat, partially uses remaining Heat time)Mid Mid
71PunishmentApproach opponentThrow escape(or)High Throw
72Roche LimitApproach opponentThrow escape(or)High Throw
73Avalanche ThrowApproach opponent from left side(or)Throw escapeHigh Throw
74Prayer into the VoidApproach opponent from right side(or)Throw escapeHigh Throw
75Sudden ShadowApproach opponent from behind(or)Cannot throw escapeHigh Throw
76GulaApproach opponentThrow escapeHigh Throw
77Low ParryTime with opponent low attack