Bryan overview & gameplay guide

Character specification

Bryan icon
Bryan Fury
tekken 7 logo Character
rank B

Character Trivia

Obtaining the perpetual generator, Bryan Fury became the ultimate replicant, using this endless source of energy to wreak havoc. Even after the battle between G Corp. and Mishima Zaibatsu concluded, Bryan continued waging acts of war around the globe, and quickly became the target of international police organizations.Something suddenly changed in Bryan when he confronted the elite counter terrorist unit of the international police agency he formerly belonged to in an urban conflict. Either a result of overuse in countless conflicts, or from a lingering memory of his mortal body, his perpetual generator overheated during battle. A surge in feelings of power and pleasure burned their imprint into his brain, turning it crimson red.When he awoke, he was alone in the devastated aftermath he had likely caused. "Are you really the infamous Bryan Fury..?" From under the rubble, the voice of someone who appeared to know him said, but was abruptly interrupted by the sounds of pummeling fists and maniacal laughter.


Combo Damage


Wall Carry

Throw game



Fighting Style

Kick Boxing


Bryan Gameplay Trailer

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113 moves listed

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Main Stances

  • 43
    Quick Low Screw Punch > Snake Eyes
    DownLKRPon hitLP + RP
    Gain Snake Eyes
    Low High
  • 91
    Slither Step
    DownDown / ForwardForward
    DownHold Down / Forwardto shift to crouching state
  • 98
    DownDown / Backback

Move Sheet

Pros & Cons


  • One of the best space control
  • i14 launcher standing (standard is i15)
  • Damaging and relatively safe offense
  • Strong CH game
  • Extremely strong oki with taunt.


  • Not much going for huge + frames on hit

How to play Bryan ?

Latest combos

  • Tekken 8 Combo Powered 10 hits | 81 damages Counter Hit

    backLPbreakbackRPForwardRKbreakbackRPLPHold ForwardbreakDownLP + RPHold ForwardbreakSlither StepRPRKbreakDashbreakbackLKHold ForwardbreakSlither StepRPRP

    b,1 ► b,2,f,4 ► b,2,1,F ► d,1+2,F ► Slither Step,2,4 ► Dash ► b,3,F ► Slither Step,2,2

    v1.10 10 hits 81 damages Counter Hit

  • Tekken 8 Combo Powered 11 hits | 72 damages

    Up / ForwardRKbreakLP + RPLPbreakLPbreakbackRPLPHold ForwardbreakSlither StepRPRKbreakDashbreakbackLKHold ForwardbreakSlither StepRPRP

    u/f,4 ► 1+2,1 ► 1 ► b,2,1,F ► Slither Step,2,4 ► Dash ► b,3,F ► Slither Step,2,2

    v1.09 11 hits 72 damages

  • Tekken 8 Combo Powered 11 hits | 71 damages Counter Hit

    ForwardRKLPbreakDown / BackRPbreakRPbreakbackRPLPHold ForwardbreakSlither StepbreakRPRKbreakbackLKHold ForwardbreakSlither StepbreakRPRP

    f,4,1 ► d/b,2 ► 2 ► b,2,1,F ► Slither Step ► 2,4 ► b,3,F ► Slither Step ► 2,2

    v1.09 11 hits 71 damages Counter Hit

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