Mishima's Legacy
190 combos-
17 hits | 132 damages Counter Hit1392
During HeatEWGFWind God StepWind God StepW!
During Heat ► d/f,2 ► f,N,d/f:2 ► EWGF ► Wind God Step,1+2 ► (1,2),4,3 ► f,f ► d/f,1,2,F ► 3,1,D/F ► Wind God Step ► N,f ► d/f,1,D/F,2 ► W! ► d/f,3+4,1,2
v1.09 17 hits 132 damages Heat Counter Hit Wall
Sticky NoteRequires PEWGF
14 hits | 114 damages Counter Hit1345
Warrior InstinctDashEWGFDashHeat SmashDashWBl!Dash
Warrior Instinct,b,4 ► Dash ► b,2* ► EWGF ► f,3 ► D/F,1,2* ► Dash ► b,2* ► Heat Smash ► b,2* ► Dash ► d/f,1,2* ► WBl! ► b,2* ► Dash ► d/f,1,2*
v1.08 14 hits 114 damages Heat Counter Hit Wall
Stage : Rebel Hangar
Sticky NoteMust have warrior instinct and hit all gold sparks to get full 114 damage and 114 healing. The first dash is also just to make the ewgf land easier.
10 hits | 79 damages1327
EWGFEWGFWind God's KamaeDash
EWGF ► EWGF ► f,N,d,D/F,4,4,1 ► f,3,D ► Wind God's Kamae,2 ► Dash,f,N,d,D/F,4,4,3
v1.08 10 hits 79 damages
10 hits | 80 damages1328
f,N,d/f,d:1 ► f,N,d,d/f:2 ► b,3,F ► Zenshin,1 ► b,f,2,3,F ► Zenshin,u,1 ► Dash,3,1,F ► Zenshin,u,1
v1.08 10 hits 80 damages
Sticky NoteWall carry
10 hits | 92 damages Counter Hit1324
Side Step LDashEWGFWind God's KamaeSide Step LDash
b,4 ► SSL ► *,b:2 ► Dash ► EWGF ► f,3 ► d/f,1 ► f,3,D ► Wind God's Kamae,2 ► SSL,Dash ► f,N,d,D/F,4,4,3
v1.08 10 hits 92 damages Counter Hit
Sticky NoteNot a full SSL, more like half SSL, otherwise the hellsweep will whiff
10 hits | 81 damages Counter Hit1325
DashEWGFWind God's KamaeWind God's KamaeDash
4 ► Dash ► EWGF ► f,3,D ► Wind God's Kamae,D/F,4,4,1 ► f,3,D ► Wind God's Kamae,2 ► Dash ► u/f,3,4
v1.08 10 hits 81 damages Counter Hit
9 hits | 77 damages1326
EWGFEWGFInstant While StandingDashDash
EWGF ► EWGF ► iWS,3 ► b,f,2,1,d/f,2 ► Dash ► u,1+2 ► Dash ► b,2,3
v1.08 9 hits 77 damages
Sticky NoteYou can do iWS3 by inputting CD n 4 while holding 3
10 hits | 63 damages1320
WGFSentaiHeaven's Wrath
WGF ► f,2,3 ► d/f,1 ► f,2,3,F ► Sentai,1+2 ► Heaven's Wrath,d/f<1,4
v1.08 10 hits 63 damages
Sticky NoteWorks after ANY launcher and as long as you have enough room on a stage lol
8 hits | 75 damages1315
f,N,d,d/f:1 ► EWGF ► b,3,F ► Zenshin,1 ► b,f,1,3,F ► Zenshin,u,1 ► f,F,4
v1.08 8 hits 75 damages
12 hits | 103 damages1303
EWGFEWGFEWGFWind God's KamaeWind God's KamaeHeat BurstDuring HeatOTGF
EWGF ► EWGF ► EWGF ► f,3,D ► Wind God's Kamae,1 ► f,3,D ► Wind God's Kamae,2 ► b,2 ► Heat Burst ► b,2 ► During Heat,d,d/f,f,2,F ► OTGF
v1.08 12 hits 103 damages Heat